We work on a variety of Natural Resources Projects in British Columbia and the Territories. Projects include the following:

 Forest Sector Planning and Negotiation
Community Forest Feasibility Studies
Carbon offset creation, management, and quantification
Training and Education
Ecological and Timber Inventories
Natural Resource Management Plans / Land Use Planning
Ecotourism Development and Assessment
Economic Development Planning
Community Wildfire Protection Plans


Forest Sector Planning and Negotiation

Treaty Advising
Client: Sto:lo Nation
Treaty advisor for forestry, lands and resources. Chair of Forestry Technical Working Group. Member of the Sto:lo Nation Wide Caucus that has met for two days every two weeks from January 2000 to July 2004. Prepared an Interim Measures Agreement on Forestry that was tabled with BC and Canada for discussion.

Due Dilligence Review Forestry Joint Venture
Client: Winds and Voices Environmental Services
Team member to prepare a due diligence review for a forestry and sawmilling joint venture proposal by Tembec to 11 Manitoba First Nations. Resulted in largest forestry JV with First Nations in Canada.

Public Consultation Facilitation
Client: OIKOS Ecological Services Ltd. Smithers, BC
Member of facilitation team for the public consultation of the GVRD Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Lead to the approval of the management plan.

Forest Worker Environmental Stewardship Training Feasibility Study
Client: BC Ministry of Forest Practices Branch Victoria
Study of “ Forest Worker Environmental Stewardship Training Feasibility. The study concluded that the training was feasible and the Forest Practices Branch awarded a contract to design a training program.



Community Forest Feasibility Studies

Community Forest Feasibility Study for the Village of Pemberton
Client: Village of Pemberton, BC
Gave strategic advice on the economics of developing areas for a community forest. Currently carrying out a feasibility study for the Village of Pemberton.

Community Forest Feasibility Study for Haida Gwaii/ Queen Charlotte Islands
Client: Island Community Stability Initiative, Queen Charlotte Islands
Carried out a community forest feasibility study which led to the successful awarding of a Community Forest Pilot Agreement, in November 2000, subject to the agreement of terms and conditions by MOF.


Energy, Carbon offset creation, management, and quantification

Biomass Energy Study
Dynamotive Energy Systems
Conducted an analysis on biomass for energy fibre supply for the southern interior of BC. Study included biomass volumes produced, uncommitted sources, delivered costs and options for best plant locations.

Biomass in NWT
Associated with:
Energy North and NWT Department of the Environmental and Natural Resources
Developed and taught a biomass workshop in Fort Good Hope, Whitehorse, Inuvik, and Yellowknife. Assessed the benefits of using biomass for heat and energy; what are the benefits of using biomass as part of a forest strategy; how can you reduce the cost of heating your community or business with sustainable energy?


Training and Education

Matsqui First Nation Site Rehabilitation

Matsqui First Nation
Trained five Band members to complete site rehabilitation on Matsqui Island . Additional project includes preparing feasibility study for bio solids application on Matsqui Island.

Forestry and Natural Resource Management 2-month Training Program
Kwaw-kwaw-a-pilt First Nation
Two month training program for five Band members in all aspects of forestry and natural resource management.

Economic Development Education
Native Education Centre, Yukon
Taught a two week Community Economic Development program for First Nation students in Watson Lake, Yukon.


Ecological and Timber Inventories

Forest Tenure and Partial Cut Opportunity Evaluation

Shuswap Nation Tribal Council Society
Evaluated partial cutting opportunities and forest tenure options in the Kamloops Forest District. Met with all major licensees to explore joint ventures and other business opportunities of mutual interest. Contactor hired for pilot harvest.

Queen Charlotte Islands Timber Supply Inventory
BC Ministry of Forests, Queen Charlotte Islands
Evaluated inventory for the Queen Charlotte Islands Timber Supply Area, identified issues, and made recommendations. Conducted over 70 personal interviews. All recommendations have been accepted and implemented.


Natural Resource Management Plans / Land Use Planning

Greater Vancouver Regional District Forest Management Strategy

GVRD Regional Parks Department, Burnaby BC
Design methodology and collect data to prepare a comprehensive 50 year forest management strategy and options for Burnaby Lake Regional Park .

Forest Management Plan
Client: Cheam Indian Band
Project: Coordinated a Forest Maangement Plan implementation project. Collected timber and ecological data along with environmental and species at risk data. An environmental assessment was prepared as well as a detailed Forest Management Plan outlining goals and objectives. Presented the plan at a community meeting to incorporate discussion into final report.

Matsqui First Nation Forestlands Management Plan
Matsqui First Nation IR #2 and IR#3
Community consultation to create a vision statement for resource management. Timber Permits for harvesting completed in 2003.

Kaska Forest Resources Management Plan
Kaska Forest Resources Watson Lake, Yukon
Updated Forest Management Plan for Timber Harvesting Area. Resulted in the approval of the first Yukon forest management plan.

Ecological Inventory / Restoration
Soowahlie First Nation
Completed four projects while training community members. Forest Inventory IR # 14, Ecological Inventory IR # 14, Ecological Restoration IR # 14 and Restoration Opportunity Analysis. Lead to completion of Pilot Restoration Project to remove invasive hop plants from Reserve.


Economic Development Planning

Economic Development Evaluation

Shxw’owhamel First Nation
Completed an evaluation of economic development opportunities on three Shxw’owhamel Reserves. Trained two Band members in all aspects of the evaluation, followed up on best possibilities, facilitated meetings between Band members and potential partners. Trained two community members on how to conduct effective and meaningful meetings with their own community members. Completed an evaluation of campground, gas bar and café.

Forest Capacity Building & Forest Sector Economic Development
Tsihquot’in National Government
Conducted forestry capacity building and forest sector economic development study for all 5 Tsilhqot’in bands.


Community Wildfire Protection Plans

Robin B. Clark Inc has completed over 15 Community Wildfire Protection Plans for communities across BC. Some projects now include prescription writing and operational treatments.

Taku River Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Taku River Tlingit, Atlin BC

Yale First Nation Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Yale First Nation


Coordination Roles

Scott Paper Ltd. (1997-1999)

Wrote Best Management Practices and Standard Operating Procedures for the company. Designed and implemented a training program for woodlands operations which remains in use today.

Canadian Woodlands Forum, Montreal Québec (1997-2001)
Regional co-ordinator for the Canadian Woodlands Forum in the B.C. Interior, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Responsible for promoting branch membership, providing information to regional & provincial woodlands associations and organizing regional meetings, programs & activities.


International Projects

Client: Codelco: Ecotourism Strategy for 7 Indigenous Communities of the Loa River Watershed .
Designed and make recommendations on a sustainable ecotourism strategy using a similar model used by Atacamanean people in the Pre-Inca era

Client: Fundacion Chile : Area de Ecoturismo (2001)
Assisted in the strategic direction of the “Pilot project for the development of certified bed and breakfast and ecotourism operators in Chile ” Project implemented 2002

Client: American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA, 2000)
Conduct forest certification and applicability feasibility study for the Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI). SFI introduced to Canada in 2000

Client: Qingdao Modern Agriculture Developing Center (1999 – present)
Co-invest and co-operate in the development of the continuous developing model woodland centre in Laoshan, Qingdao.